direction.js (comix-ngn): Dev Future Diary 1
July 4, 2015
A little note on the title. In Comix-ngn: Dev Diary 1, I said a lot of what I wanted to post in the past was backlogged to come out now. At the same time, further delaying posts that I want to do now would simply excacerbate the problem. So this a future diary.
So these are blogs about what is going on with development currently. Now then, on with the show.
Since the transfer from comic-ng to comix-ngn, I’ve been using Microframeworks to add specific fuctionality. Microframeworks are nice, but far from perfect, so I end up writing my own microlibs. While it takes more time, these solutions are tailor made for comix-ngn and give me more practice with pure js. This is the purpose for direction.js, a canvas carousel framework I whipped up to replace comix-ngn’s default carousel handler, Swipe. While I won’t get rid of swipe entirely, merely turning it into a plugin, direction is designed specifially for comix-ngn. Not to mention its entirety 2 KB smaller, nearly by half the size of Swipe’s base js, which only grows with the extra code and CSS I have to add to make it work.
The funny thing is comix-ngn is currently ~8 times the size of direction.js, and if you simply wanted a carousel, direction.js would actually be better suited to the task