First Blood

July 2, 2015

I made a blog to air out my grievances against everything. No, that isn’t right. I made this blog out of an overwhelming compulsion akin to gravity. Weak at first from far away, but the closer and closer I became to programming, the harder it was to fight until, voila I gave in. Are you happy? HUH ARE YA!

Let me make something very clear, this is probably the longest post I’m ever going to make without a real subject. Since this is an introduction, I can get away with anything. We’ll I guess I have to introduce myself so: Seun Ogedengbe, 22 year old, Nigerian American, Web Software and Mobile developer as well as Game Designer/Developer. Note that I separate the two, Game Developer came first and since it dragged me into Computer Science, I found myself doing none game software development. And Really I am a web developer, but I believe web is the future, especially when concerning Mobile. Sure Native is Brilliant, and I should really (actually) learn Java eventually, but right now I’m trying to be as platform agnostic as possible so I’m prioritizing developing everything for the Web and then trickling down to a specialty when I get hired for it. In the mean time, I’ve got a couple of project to keep me busy.

I also disagree vehemently with the concept of a web blog. I’ve always scoffed at “bloggers” because I personally see it as extraneous. Granted, the blogs I see as extraneous are the same as those that I simply don’t have any interest in visiting, but this is my blog and I can say what I want {within reason}. The developers are part of that subgroup of people who blog who actually need one. To raise awareness of applications made and display skills to attract potential employers and the like. Which is the purpose of this blog, to raise awareness of my project and applications, present my skills to attact potential employers, and the like.